E-Series Grille™ - Roll Down Gate

Product Features
- Alpine’s E-Series Grille™ roll down security gate is a high quality, space saving grille door solution
- Roll down security doors protect against theft and vandalism
- Roll down gate curtains are solid 5/16″ hot dipped galvanized steel rods with vertical aluminum links with option to add PVC sleeves
- Available in a variety of materials including galvanized, prime painted, stainless steel, and aluminum
Alpine’s E-Series Grille™ roll down gate is designed for easy operation and long life use with minimum maintenance required. Ideal for stores, malls and shopping centers. This roll down security door is also used to protect glass window openings and service window openings.
Functional Benefits
- Alpine roll down gates are designed for easy operation and are trouble free with minimal maintenance.
- This roll down security door offers security and protection as well as the ability to see inside when closed.
The Alpine Advantage and Benefit
- Alpine’s roll down gates are very durable and require very low maintenance for many years of continued operational use.
- No matter how large or small the job or how unusual the application, Alpine has a roll down gate that meets your individual specifications.
- Roll down gate models are available in different materials including galvanized, prime painted, stainless steel, and aluminum.
- Both Alpine’s quality and workmanship are proven throughout the door industry.
- Our hands-on approach to every job ensures customer satisfaction
- Roll down security doors as manufactured by Alpine Overhead Doors, Inc.
- Opening preparation, miscellaneous or structural metal work, access doors, finish or field painting, field electrical wiring, wire, conduit, fuses and disconnect switches are in the Scope of Work of other divisions or trades.
E-Series™ Grille X – Roll down security door consists of the Alpine 6″ or 9″ straight pattern with aluminum vertical links. Continuous solid 5/16” hot dipped galvanized horizontal rods spaced 2” o.c. Continuous end links are made to prevent the curtain from leaving the side of the guides. The bottom bar consists of an extruded aluminum “T” bottom bar.
E-Series™ Grille – Roll down security door consists of the Alpine 6″ brick or 9″ straight pattern with aluminum vertical links and horizontal PVC sleeves. There is a choice of 4 standard colors: bronze, black, silver, or gold. Continuous solid 5/16” hot dipped galvanized horizontal rods spaced 2” o.c. are to be covered with tubular spacers. Continuous end links are made to prevent the curtain from leaving the side of the guides. The bottom bar consists of an extruded aluminum “T” bottom bar.
The carrying pipe counterbalancing shafts are made of steel plating no less than 1/4” thick. The drive end bracket plate is fitted with a sealed ball bearing and the bracket plates are mounted to the wall mounting angles with 1/2” fasteners.
Produced from roll formed steel with return retainers to prevent the grille from leaving the guide rails. The mounting angles are a minimum of 2 1/2” x 2 1/2” x 3/16” angles. (Option: 3” mounting tube for up to a 20’ wide door and 4” mounting tube for a door over 20’1” wide. See Mall Dawn for mounting to tube configurations.)
To be housed in a steel pipe with a diameter and wall thickness to restrict maximum deflection to 0.03” per foot of door width. Hot rolled A36 material. Springs are of the helical torsion type which are designed to include an overload factor of 25% for optimum ease of operation. The springs are grease packed and mounted on a cold rolled steel inner shaft. Spring tension is adjustable from the outside of the end bracket plate. Sealed ball bearings prevent wear on the pipe shaft. Life cycles from 10M to 400M.
HOOD Hexagon (OPTION: Square or Round)
Produced in 22 ga. steel and formed to fit the contour of the brackets with 3/8” thick intermediate supports used as needed to prevent excessive sag.
Push-up, hand chain, hand-crank, or motor operation available.
Alpine Motor Operators

> View Redi-Master Details

> View Redi-Hoist Details

> View Redi-Lift Details

> View Redi-Tube Details
Alpine’s UL labeled operators are constructed with the highest quality material and the latest in technical innovation to ensure that each operator exceeds the requirements it is meant to achieve. Alpine is sure to have a gate operator that will meet all your individual specifications. Call Alpine to learn more about these overhead door motors today!
Alpine’s winning team of employees work diligently with the customers beyond the sale. We show our customers that their satisfaction is our top priority. Alpine’s quality and workmanship is proven throughout the door industry. Our hands-on approach to every job ensures customer satisfaction.
To download roll down security door PDF drawings, please select from links below.
> For CAD files, please click here
- Face Mounted to Masonry

- Face Mounted to Steel

- Between Jamb Mounted (Packout)

- Between Tube Mounted

Disclaimer: All data provided on this website is to be used for information purposes only, and is subject to change without prior notice. Alpine shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or ommisions contained herein, nor for direct, incidental, consequential or any other damages resulting from furnishing, performance, or use of this information, even if Alpine Overhead Doors, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages in advance. See the additional disclaimer in our Terms of Use.
Alpine® E-Series Grille™ Roll Down Gate
Economy Torsion Spring Doors
> E-Series Grille – Download 3 Part Specifications (PDF)
> E-Series Grille –Download 3 Part Specifications (DOC)
> E-Series Grille X – Download 3 Part Specifications (DOC)
Standard Alpine Brick Pattern
Commercial Roll Down Gate
NOTE: For roll down security door specifications, architects must choose from a variety of options. The standard choice for the 08330 spec will be shown first in plain text followed by the options shown in [brackets] (Example “Finish: Galvanized [Powder coated] [Baked enamel]”). The specifier must make the appropriate choices for the roll down security gate and delete the others (Example: “Finish: Powder coated”).
- This section includes: [Manual] or [Electric] operated Commercial Rolling Gate.
- Cycle life: Design doors of standard construction for normal use of 10,000 cycles standard [up to 400,000 cycles].
- Related Sections: Related to this section, but not limited to, the following (based on Master Format 2004):
- Section 01660 – Product Storage and Handling Requirements.
- Section 04220 – Concrete Unit Masonry.
- Section 05120 – Structural Steel.
- Section 06100 – Rough Carpentry.
- Section 08310 – Access Doors and Panels.
- Section 08710 – Door Hardware.
- Section 09290 – Gypsum Board.
- Section 09900 – Paints and Coatings.
- Section 26000 – Electrical.
- ASTM A 653/A 653M – Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process
- ASTM A 36 – Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel, Hot Rolled Steel
- ASTM A 123 – Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products
- ASTM A 641/A 641M – Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Carbon Steel Wire
- ASTM A 312 – Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes
- ASTM A 240 – Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications
- ASTM A 276 – Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
- ASTM B 209 – Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate
- ASTM B 221 – Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes
- Submit under provisions of Section 01300.
- Product Data: Provide manufacturer’s standard details and catalog data. Provide installation instructions.
- Shop Drawings: Furnish shop drawings for architect’s approval. Include elevation, sections, and details indicating dimensions, materials, finishes, conditions for anchorage and support of each door.
- Submit manufacturer’s recommended operation, troubleshooting, and maintenance instructions.
- Rolling doors shall be manufactured by a firm with a minimum of five years experience.
- Single-Source Responsibility: Manufacturer shall provide doors, tracks, motors, and accessories for each type of door. Secondary components shall come from a source acceptable to the manufacturer of the primary components.
Deliver materials in original packaging supplied by manufacturer with intact labels. Store materials away from harmful environmental conditions and construction.
- Door Warranty: Provide one year written warranty from date of installation against deficiencies due to defects in materials or workmanship. Installer agrees to repair or replace any defects in materials or workmanship.
- Project Warranty: Refer to Conditions of the Contract for project warranty provisions.
- Manufacturer: Alpine Overhead Doors, Inc.; 8 Hulse Road Suite 1S, East Setauket, NY 11733. Telephone 800-257-4634 or 631-473-9300. Fax 631-642-0800.
- Model: E-SERIES GRILLE® Commercial Rolling Grille Door
- Curtain:
- Grille: Furnish Brick pattern 6” [Straight Lattice pattern 9”]
- Horizontal rods: Solid 5/16” galvanized steel rods covered with PVC tubular spacers. Continuous end links are to be designed to prevent the curtain from leaving the side guide rails.
- Vertical spacing: Aluminum [Stainless Steel] vertical links, 2” on center.
- Rod Material:
- ASTM A 641/A 641M Galvanized Carbon Steel WireFinish: Galvanized
- Vertical Spacing Material:
- AluminumFinish: Mill Finish [Clear anodized] [Bronze anodized] [Black anodized]– OR –
- ASTM 240 Stainless steel 300 seriesFinish: [Mill finish #2B] [#4 satin finish]
- [Lexan panels]: Clear, polycarbonate material for protection against theft, odors, smoke, and debris. For 12” straight pattern only.
- Horizontal rods: Solid 5/16” galvanized steel rods covered with PVC tubular spacers. Continuous end links are to be designed to prevent the curtain from leaving the side guide rails.
- Bottom Bar: (Size dependent on dimensions per manufacturer’s standard)
- Extruded aluminum “T” bottom barFinish: Mill Finish [Clear anodized] [Bronze anodized] [Black anodized]
- [Single angle bottom bar]
- Galvanized steel, G90 coating exterior (G60 interior), Structural Quality Grade C, as per ASTM A 653/ A 653 MFinish: Galvanized [Powder coated] [Baked enamel]
- Grille: Furnish Brick pattern 6” [Straight Lattice pattern 9”]
- Guides for roll down gates:
- Wall mounted: Roll formed steel with return retainers to prevent the grille from leaving the guide rails. Mounting angles are a minimum of 2 ½” x 2 ½” x 3/16” angles.
- Tube mounted: Minimum 3” mounting tube for doors up to 20’ wide, 4” tube for over 20’ wide.
- Material:
- ASTM A 36 Carbon Structural SteelFinish: Gray shop prime coat [ASTM A 123 Galvanized] [baked enamel paint] [powder coated].
- Material:
- Door Support Brackets and Mounting Plates for Roll Down Gates:
- Steel plate not less than 1/4” thick. Drive end bracket plate is to be fitted with a sealed ball bearing. Bolt plates to wall mounting angles with minimum 1/2″ fasteners. Plate supports counterbalance assembly and forms end closures.
- Material:
- ASTM A 36 Carbon Steel:Finish: Gray shop prime coat [ASTM A 123 Galvanized] [Baked enamel paint] [Powder coated].– OR –
- ASTM 240 Stainless Steel 300 SeriesFinish: [Mill Finish #2B]
- [Stop Lock bearing]: To prevent door from free falling in the event drive operation fails.
- Material:
- Counterbalance Assembly for Roll Down Security Doors:
- Torsion
- Counterbalance assembly: Steel pipe barrel of a size capable of carrying a curtain load with a maximum deflection of 0.03” per foot of door width. Heat-treated helical torsion springs encased in a steel pipe and designed to include an overload factor of 25% to ensure minimum effort to operate. Sealed and prelubricated high speed ball bearing at rotating support points. Torsion spring charge wheel for applying spring torque and for future adjustments.
- Material:
- ASTM A 36 Carbon Structural SteelFinish: Gray shop prime coat [A 123 Hot-Dip Galvanized]– OR –
- A 312 Stainless Steel 300 SeriesFinish: Mill finish
- Life Cycle: High Cycle springs designed to satisfy 10m through 400m life cycles. Consult engineering if height exceeds width for any cycle above 20m. (Cycle defined as one time opening and closing of door)
- Material:
- Counterbalance assembly: Steel pipe barrel of a size capable of carrying a curtain load with a maximum deflection of 0.03” per foot of door width. Heat-treated helical torsion springs encased in a steel pipe and designed to include an overload factor of 25% to ensure minimum effort to operate. Sealed and prelubricated high speed ball bearing at rotating support points. Torsion spring charge wheel for applying spring torque and for future adjustments.
- Hood of Roll Down Security Gates:
- 24 gauge steel [.040” aluminum]. Formed to fit the contour of the end brackets with reinforced top and bottom edges. Provide support bracing for doors wider than 20 feet at every 10 feet to prevent excessive sag.
- Shape: Hexagon [square] [round]
- Material:
- Galvanized Steel as per ASTM A 653/ A 653 MFinish: [Baked enamel paint] [Powder coated]– OR –
- ASTM 240 Stainless Steel 300 Series:Finish: [Mill finish #2B] [#4 satin finish]– OR –
- AluminumFinish: Mill Finish [Clear anodized] [Bronze anodized] [Black anodized]
- [Fascia]: Galvanized [Stainless Steel] [Aluminum], provided where areas behind door hood are open. Materials and finish same as hood.
- Locking of Roll Down Security Doors:
- Provide door with hasp and pins. Locking with padlock from the coil side. [Cylinder Locks] [Slide locks] (Electric Interlocks recommended with motorized doors only)
- Manual chain hoist: Provide padlockable chain keeper on guide.
- Opening/Closing: Manual push-up [Manual hand chain] [Manual hand crank] [Motor Operator].
- [Manual hand chain]:
- Provide chain hoist operator with endless steel chain, chain pocket wheel and guard, geared reduction unit, and chain keeper secured to guide.
- [Manual hand crank]:
- Provide crank hoist operator including crank gear box, steel crank drive shaft and geared reduction unit. Fabricate gear box to completely enclose operating mechanism and be oil-tight.
- [Motor Operators]:
- Choose ONE:
- Medium-Duty, Alpine® Model Redi-Hoist™ driven by efficient V-belt primary drive with chain/sprocket secondary. Maximum ½ hp. For use on doors up to 10’ x 10’.– OR –
- Industrial-Duty, Alpine® Model Redi-Lift™ driven by heavy-duty V-belt with chain/sprocket secondary reduction. Optional auxiliary chain hoist. Maximum 1 hp. For use on doors up to 12’ x 12’.– OR –
- Heavy Industrial-Duty, Alpine® Model Redi-Master™ driven by heavy-duty worm gear in oil bath reduction. Standard auxiliary chain hoist. Standard ½ hp (maximum 3 hp)– OR –
- Redi-Tube® Tubular Motor with Built-In Manual Handcrank Overdrive. Auxiliary chain hoist not available. For use on doors up to 10’ x 8’.– OR –
- Redi-Shut® Gear Reduced Jackshaft Door Operator.
- [Sensing Edges] (For double angle bottom bar): For motorized doors, sensing edges allow door to go up in case of obstruction. [Pneumatic Edge] [Electric Edge] [Wireless Edge].
- Colors: Gray [Yellow] [Black] [White] [Yellow with black stripes]
- [Emergency Egress]: Offers protection from problems that may arise from a power outage during a fire or blackout. This device, which is activated by pulling a lever, will release door motor resistance and lift the door 3 feet from the ground permitting egress. Ideal for malls. (For use with Redi-Hoist®, Redi-Lift®, and Redi-Shut® motors).
- Choose ONE:
2.04 Mounting of roll down security doors:
- Interior face mounted on prepared opening.
- Interior mounted between jambs and under lintel in a prepared opening.
- Exterior face mounted on prepared opening.
- Verify that dimensions are correct and project conditions are in accordance with manufacturer’s installation instructions; do not proceed with installation until unacceptable conditions have been corrected.
- Install units in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
- Ensure that units are installed plumb and true, free of warp or twist, and within tolerances specified by manufacturer for smooth operation.
- Test doors for regular operation.
- Instruct the Owner’s personnel in correct operation and maintenance of units.
- Clean units in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
- Restore slight blemishes in finishes in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to match original finish. Remove and provide new units where repairs are not acceptable to the Architect.
Disclaimer: All data provided on this website is to be used for information purposes only, and is subject to change without prior notice. Alpine shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or ommisions contained herein, nor for direct, incidental, consequential or any other damages resulting from furnishing, performance, or use of this information, even if Alpine Overhead Doors, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages in advance. See the additional disclaimer in our Terms of Use.
Alpine’s E-Series Grille™ roll down security door is the economic solution for protection against theft, damage, and other applications. No matter how large or small the job or how unusual the application, Alpine can build and install a roll down gate that meets your individual specifications. E-Series Grille™ roll down security gates are available in both primed and galvanized steel.
Alpine E-Series Grille™ roll down security gate curtains incorporate a 6” brick pattern or 9” straight pattern with PVC sleeves over galvanized steel rods. These roll down gates can be manually, crank, hand-chain or motor operated. All operators for this roll down security gate can be adapted to specific conditions. Locking rolling grilles can be provided depending on the type of door operation.

6″ Brick Grille

9″ Straight Grille