Redi-Reset® GC Chain
GC – Chain with Cable Release
GC unit combines the ease of testing & resetting with controlled automatic closing with manual chain operation

- This automatic door closure is U.L. Classified, CSA Certified.
- The mechanism allows the door to descend safely without power.
- The fire alarm signals the door to close.
- The fusible link melts at 70 degrees Centigrade.
- Limit switches require no special tools to reset.
- Limit switches contain an on-board gearbox.
- The Electro Thermal Link is triggered at 24 VDC.
- The limit switches do not require resetting after the fusible link door descends without power.
- An optional solenoid reengage system is available.
- Pressure Die-Cast aluminum housing.
- This automatic door closure is available in high cycle rated, Waterproof, Hose-proof, and clutched fire shutter Operators.
- High Tensil Steel and Bronze Gearing. (Worm and Wheel, 45:1)
- Reliable Oil Lip Seals are fitted to all shafts.
The Alpine Redi-Reset-GC door operating device combines the ease of testing/resetting and controlled automatic closing with manual chain operation on Alpine Fire doors.
Redi-Reset GC is designed with a combination chain operator/controlled closing system that eliminates the reliance of a complex spring release mechanism and complicated reset procedures. The fusible link door is held open by a locking mechanism that is tied into a factory supplied padlockable guide mounted test handle and fusible link system. By using the test handle or melting, the fusible link will release the locking mechanism, disengage the hand chain operator and engage the adjustable governing mechanism. All of these components are a part of a compact operating and closing system.
The door will close at a controlled rate of descent not to exceed 9” per second. To reset for normal chain operation, simply re-engage the test handle or replace the fusible link. The Redi-Rest-GC unit can be tied into a fire alarm system or local detectors with the use of a release device. If the operator of this automatic door closure is activated by an alarm signal, simply reset the operator by re-inserting the draw bar at the release device. The fusible link door is then ready for normal use or emergency automatic closing.
Redi-Rest-GC door operating device is also ideal for fire doors that do not require the convenience of a motor operator. Resetting is quick and easily performed by facility personnel. Access to the hand chain is required especially if the guides are recessed in a wall.
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