Super-Imposed® Loading Dock Steel Double Door
Quality Rolling Door and Security Grille Combination

This Alpine product is a unique blend of a rolling door and a rolling grille. It provides excellent security against theft and vandalism for all seasons. Click here to request a quote. Alpine’s Super Imposed® security grille is especially desirable for dual closures in driveway openings of industrial plants, warehouses and factories. These are also excellent ferry dock doors.
This loading dock steel door provides double day and night protection and security. This security grille and loading dock steel door is built for applications where protection against vandalism is a priority. These ferry dock doors are available in a variety of materials and sizes. Super Imposed® double door frame and security door curtains are available in custom curtain combination options. Alpine’s Super Imposed® security grille can be push-up, hand-crank, hand-chain or motor operated. All operators for the loading dock door can be adapted to specific conditions.
Here you will find a photo gallery featuring many examples of Alpine’s loading dock steel door and security grille. These are just a few of the ferry dock doors we have installed in many buildings and establishments.